Extreme Blindside follows teen snowboarder Jake Taylor and his aspiring-reporter girlfriend, Sophie, as they struggle to navigate his newfound fame and all that comes with it. When Jake accepts a gig as the celebrity spokesperson for a new state-of-the-art athletic training facility, he hopes that his fame will bring some attention to its accessibility for Special Olympians and para-athletes. He agrees to do some publicity promotion and to participate in the facility’s first competition. But Jake gets far more than he bargains for as he becomes further embroiled in a world of reporters, gushing female fans, and bitter athletic rivals. In the chaos of it all, he begins to rely more and more on God’s help to navigate the ins and outs of his job, his public interactions, and his relationship with Sophie.
As Sophie struggles to accept their changing relationship and still cover the story of his first competition at the new facility, she begins to wonder if Jake might be in real danger, as one by one athletes for the upcoming competition are sabotaged or injured. As the competition approaches, things begin to get dangerous. Time is running out for Jake and Sophie to figure out what is going on before he is also sabotaged . . . or worse. With thrilling adventures and real teen struggles, Extreme Blindside inspires teens to consider how their faith in God might guide them in their own lives and relationships. Fast-paced and exciting, this book is an engaging read for teens or young adults who enjoy stories about sports, adventures, mysteries, or fame.
Catholic Press Association Book Award